The Looking Ahead Strategy 2020-2025 sets our vision to develop a thriving digitalecosystem that:
› offers a personalised experience, reflecting the preferences of our user groups
› attracts and retains talent through theopportunities afforded by digital technology
› allows seamless data exchanges through our digital and campus spaces
› provides insights-driven learning experiences to students anywhere, anytime and on any device
› facilitates world-class research in a data rich and collaborative environment
› strengthens connections among our students, staff, alumni, industry partners and the broader community
› increases efficiency and productivity through fit-for-purpose business systems
› protects data and privacy through robust cyber security

Create an engaging and innovative artwork for
the cover of the IT Services Digital Excellence Strategy brochure.
The Digital Strategy 2021–2025 outlines opportunities
and benefits afforded by digital technology. The
opportunity is to achieve and maintain a thriving
digital ecosystem that supports our strategic aspirations.
IT Services would like to invite our students to
contribute to this brochure through a student digital
artwork competition.
The strategy focuses on:
› Digital Experience
› Learning and Teaching Technologies
› Research Innovation
› Data, Analytics and Insights
› Enabling Solutions
› Technology Foundations
Remember, the University focuses on continuous
modernisation, maintenance, and security of the
technology environment. Your design should be
aligned with digital excellence, innovation and
modernisation in a creative way.
Open brief! It might be 3D, abstract, conceptual, geometric, futuristic – as long as it conveys one or more of the following themes.
› Forward thinking
› Continuous improvement
› Seamless integration of the physical campus and digital technology
› Digital connections
› Innovation
1. By submitting your artwork you give permission for The University (IT Services) to feature your artwork on the covers and internal pages of the Digital Excellence Strategy brochure, as well of other collateral as needed, in print and/or digital format. Artwork may be cropped and certain elements of the artwork may be used as standalone design elements as needed.
2. IT Services will publish your name and credit you as the artist of the artwork in the brochure.
3. You must to be a current student of The University of Newcastle to enter.
4. The winner will receive a VISA Gift Card to the value of $500.
5. All submissions must be emailed to jackie.mottram@newcastle.edu.au by midnight Sunday 17 October 2021 to be considered.
6. Any physical artwork (eg paper based) will need to be photographed and emailed for submission.
7. If selected as the winner any physical artwork will need to be converted to digital artwork. We will endevour to assist with this process if needed.
email: jackie.mottram@newcastle.edu.au