
Exhibition at University House

3 years ago

Immersion is an exhibition of work by our students studying professional creative practice showcasing a range of projects during the first half of this year.

Immersion kicks off at 6pm on Thursday 10th June in University House

Immersion is your opportunity to delve into the world of the University of Newcastle’s School of Creative Industries through the perception of its students.

This mid-year exhibition features and showcases a variety of creative outputs including documentary film, original music compositions, apps and video games, graphic design, PR and journalism, photography, interactive art installations and more.

From prototypes to completed works, Immersion is your chance to see what the next generation of Newcastle creatives are working on.

Join us on the Ground Floor of University House, corner of King St and Auckland St. Entrance is via the main doors on King St overlooking Civic Park. This is a free event but registration is essential.