An energised and fluid brand identity for high-quality paint brushes.
Lochlan Vardy
Zachary Stoddart

Case Study on STROKE
STROKE is a realised brand identity designed by Zac Stoddart. Working in a paint supply store, this project is deeply personal as it is something he would see himself buying as well as being inclined to sell. Stating, "many paint brush companies are stuck in the past".

"Working in paint myself, I really felt that paint brushes in-particular needed a brand that would stand out to old school painters and the new modern painter."
Kinetic type is utilised through the use of warp distortion to convey the expressive act of using a paint brush and imitate the fluidity of brushstrokes.
Taking inspiration from vintage hardware packaging as well as some inspiration from beer packaging, STROKE aims to attract a wide audience of young and old who are looking for a straight-forward and hassle-free experience.
Using a two-toned colour scheme of white and navy, the visual identity is a mesh of old school style with a modern touch. It is versatile and can be used across a variety of mediums including physical packaging and digital.
The design jumps straight to the informative point of showing the customer exactly what they're buying with a distinctive hierarchy which emphasises the product name as much as the brand name.
The packaging used is very minimal and sleek, giving the customer a well thought out description of the product and appreciation for purchasing and a way to contact the brand if any problems arise. This approach communicates quality assurance and offers easy contact options for customer support. This outlines STROKE's commitment to customer satisfaction and its openness to feedback.

"Having the word Stroke be an almost drip or stroke of itself really felt strong but subtle enough to grab a viewer's attention."

Tondu, used for the main typeface is a bold and eye catching sans-serif. Even when distorted the clarity remains for it to be readable. Filmotype Lucky, the supporting typeface is playful and uniquely handmade, complimenting the subtle playfulness of the logotype and reinforcing the quality handcrafted aesthetic of the brand.
In regards to the typography treatment, Zac stated, "the typefacing I thought needed to have a playful element and that is where the effect came in to the word after the fact... The original design included the word of stroke bending out from a paintbrush, but I felt as if that came off too tacky in the end".
The pill logo shape also nods to the anatomy of paint brushes, in particular the ferrule and crimp which seperate the brush head from the handle. As well as this the shape is used to "touch on the connection between hardware and vintage".

Overall, STROKE is a refreshing design stepping into the current paint brush market. Its subtle yet meaningful use of kinetic type is playful and inspiring, warp distortion adds a unique and engaging visual element that aligns perfectly with the brand's mission. It blends tradition and modernity. And its emphasis on customer trust and product quality makes it a brand that resonates with a diverse audience.